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| error_msgs = { 'algo_tet': ['ALGO=A and IALGO=5X tend to fail'], 'amin': ['One of the lattice vectors is very long (>50 A), but AMIN'], 'bravais': ['Inconsistent Bravais lattice'], 'brions': ['BRIONS problems: POTIM should be increased'], 'brmix': ['BRMIX: very serious problems'], 'coef': ['while reading plane', 'while reading WAVECAR'], 'dentet': ['DENTET'], 'dfpt_ncore': ['PEAD routines do not work for NCORE', 'remove the tag NPAR from the INCAR file'], 'edddav': ['Error EDDDAV: Call to ZHEGV failed'], 'eddrmm': ['WARNING in EDDRMM: call to ZHEGV failed'], 'elf_kpar': ['ELF: KPAR>1 not implemented'], 'elf_ncl': ['WARNING: ELF not implemented for non collinear case'], 'grad_not_orth': ['EDWAV: internal error, the gradient is not orthogonal'], 'hnform': ['HNFORM: k-point generating'], 'incorrect_shift': ['Could not get correct shifts'], 'inv_rot_mat': ['rotation matrix was not found (increase SYMPREC)'], 'nbands_not_sufficient': ['number of bands is not sufficient'], 'nicht_konv': ['ERROR: SBESSELITER : nicht konvergent'], 'point_group': ['group operation missing'], 'posmap': ['POSMAP'], 'pricel': ['internal error in subroutine PRICEL'], 'pssyevx': ['ERROR in subspace rotation PSSYEVX'], 'read_error': ['Error reading item', 'Error code was IERR= 5'], 'real_optlay': ['REAL_OPTLAY: internal error', 'REAL_OPT: internal ERROR'], 'rhosyg': ['RHOSYG'], 'rot_matrix': ['Found some non-integer element in rotation matrix', 'SGRCON'], 'rspher': ['ERROR RSPHER'], 'set_core_wf': ['internal error in SET_CORE_WF'], 'subspacematrix': ['WARNING: Sub-Space-Matrix is not hermitian in DAV'], 'symprec_noise': ['determination of the symmetry of your systems shows a strong'], 'tet': ['Tetrahedron method fails', 'tetrahedron method fails', 'Fatal error detecting k-mesh', 'Fatal error: unable to match k-point', 'Routine TETIRR needs special values', 'Tetrahedron method fails (number of k-points < 4)', 'BZINTS'], 'tetirr': ['Routine TETIRR needs special values'], 'too_few_bands': ['TOO FEW BANDS'], 'triple_product': ['ERROR: the triple product of the basis vectors'], 'zbrent': ['ZBRENT: fatal internal in', 'ZBRENT: fatal error in bracketing'], 'zheev': ['ERROR EDDIAG: Call to routine ZHEEV failed!'], 'zpotrf': ['LAPACK: Routine ZPOTRF failed', 'Routine ZPOTRF ZTRTRI'] }