简历 / CV 网页
Zhenchao Jin(纯 html css)
GitHub - HugoBlox/theme-academic-cv: 🎓 无需编写任何代码即可轻松创建漂亮的学术网站
GitHub - Troublor/troublor.github.io: Source code of my personal homepage
GitHub - bchiang7/v4: Fourth iteration of my personal website built with Gatsby
Obsidian / Typora 简历:GitHub - BingyanStudio/LapisCV: 📃 开箱即用的 Obsidian / Typora 简历
GitHub - Riaz-404/Portfolio: Personal portfolio build with HTML, CSS & JavaScript
Jekyll 框架:
视频 + 相册静态网站模板较难找(少或效果不太满足要求)
照片、视频墙:GitHub - zhang-tong-yao/wall: Wall是一款快速分享资源应用程序。俗称“照片墙、视频墙”,基于Vue3 + Spring Boot开发的云共享资源应用系统。
GitHub - soyaine/horcrux: Generate you own online gallery easily. Photo is the horcrux of memory.
GitHub - rampatra/photography: A free online portfolio website to showcase your photos.
GitHub - sunbliss/photorama: “PHOTORAMA” template for Jekyll
GitHub - linyuxuanlin/Gallery-Portfolio: 一个简单的瀑布流摄影作品展示站,图片储存在免费的 Cloudflare R2
照片和视频自托管:GitHub - immich-app/immich: High performance self-hosted photo and video management solution.
1 | # 启动 Docker 容器 |
GitHub - photoview/photoview: Photo gallery for self-hosted personal servers
GitHub - photoprism/photoprism: AI-Powered Photos App for the Decentralized Web 🌈💎✨
- GitHub - saurabhnemade/will-you-be-my-valentine: A simple application to impress your loved ones on valentines day!!
- GitHub - KanurkarPrateek/Valentines_Day_Proposal
- GitHub - nxuzy/love: love_matters、恋爱申请书
- GitHub - xing16/ValentineDaySuprise: HMTL实现情人节告白气球,不一样的惊喜
- GitHub - Kicamon/Kicamon.github.io: 恋爱
- Like_Girl v5.2.0 、源码:LikeGirl v5.2.0: 情侣小站
- GitHub - 5ime/Index: 🏠 我的个人主页,引导页(个人倾向于这个)
- TonyCrane · Home(无源码)
- GitHub - AnkorTn/AnkorTn.github.io
- Home Page-fullPage
- 钱辉 ♥ Blog
- GitHub - EsunR/Blog-Index: 一个通用的个人网站的引导页、导航页模板
- GitHub - NianBroken/Personal_Sakura_Guide_Page
- NianBroken
- GitHub - KawaiiZapic/Present: 一个简洁的个人主页,支持显示博客文章.
- GitHub - QNquenan/homepage-for-vue3: 基于Vue3的主页
- Biofy - 个性化主页 - 聚合社交信息 - 作品展示 - 数字名片
GitHub - samueldy/samueldy.github.io: Public professional website
GitHub - CodingWZL/wangzhilong.github.io: Zhilong Wang’s Personal Homepage
幻灯片 Slides
- GitHub - slidevjs/slidev: Presentation Slides for Developers
- GitHub - stone-zeng/talks-slidev: Slidev sources for my talks
1 | # slidev 安装 |
- 使用 reveal-md 来写 Slides - Isshiki修’s Notebook
- reveal-md 模板:
在线 Book / 文档
- mdBook
- GitHub Actions 部署:Automated Deployment: GitHub Actions · rust-lang/mdBook Wiki · GitHub
- mdbook 加密:GitHub - Wybxc/mdbook-pagecrypt: Encrypt your mdbook-built site with password protection.
- mdBook 不能渲染 Jupyter Notebook(无相关插件)
1 | # 安装 mdbook |
GitHub - auula/typikon: Typikon lets you use markdown to write your online books.
Jupyter Book 形式:Built with Jupyter Book
GitHub - jaywcjlove/idoc: :book: Simple document generation tool! Dependence Node.js run.
Quarto Docs(基于 Pandoc):GitHub - quarto-dev/quarto-cli: Open-source scientific and technical publishing system built on Pandoc.
Sphinx 框架主题:
将 Telegram Channel 转为微博客:GitHub - ccbikai/BroadcastChannel: Turn your Telegram Channel into a MicroBlog.
Astro 框架主题:
- GitHub - saicaca/fuwari: ✨A static blog template built with Astro.
- GitHub - EveSunMaple/Frosti: A clean, elegant, and fast static blog template! 🚀 Developed with Astro
- GitHub - lin-stephanie/astro-antfustyle-theme: A customizable, feature-rich Astro theme for blog and portfolio creation.
- 活版印字:GitHub - moeyua/astro-theme-typography: Rediscover the beauty of typography.
- 简洁主题:GitHub - cirry/astro-yi: Astro Theme YI. A simple and lightweight blog theme for Astro.
- 适合文档:GitHub - withastro/starlight: 🌟 Build beautiful, accessible, high-performance documentation websites with Astro
Obsidian 数字花园博客设置教程:使用Obsidian 打造个人数字花园完整教程
可 Docker 部署(前后端):GitHub - LinMoQC/Memory-Blog: This is a personal blogging platform built with React, TypeScript, and Spring Boot.
WordPress 博客系统:保姆级搭建wordpress博客教程(docker版)_哔哩哔哩_bilibili
GitHub - mazzzystar/tinymind: Tinymind - Write and sync your blog & memo data with GitHub
将浏览器书签导出成导航网站:Guide - Pintree
- GitHub Actions 形式;需 repo 状态为 public: GitHub - linyuxuanlin/File-host: 资源共享仓库
- 手动创建(需在每个文件夹目录下创建 index.html 文件):GitHub - pranabdas/drive
- GitHub - filebrowser/filebrowser: 📂 Web File Browser
- GitHub - xiaobaidadada/filecat: 简洁的Web文件浏览与服务器管理(服务器Linux面板)
- 可自建的文件分享平台:GitHub - stonith404/pingvin-share: A self-hosted file sharing platform that combines lightness and beauty, perfect for seamless and efficient file sharing.
- GitHub - songquanpeng/go-file: 基于 Go 的文件分享工具,仅单可执行文件,开箱即用,内置图床和视频播放页面. File sharing tool based on Go.
课程资料在线浏览(不是特别好用;会报错,暂无更新):GitHub - OrangeX4/GitNotes: 一个在浏览器上运行的笔记浏览应用, 用于浏览以 Markdown 书写的, 存放在 GitLab 或 GitHub 上的笔记.
约会日程路线静态网页模板查找?(暂无必要,写成 markdown 即可)
简单网站点击量设置:Free Hit Counters for your website or your blog - Free and without ads - Toolbox for webmaster
会议 workshop 网页模板:
生命重要时间线网页:GitHub - cheeaun/life: Life - a timeline of important events in my life